Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Potbelly's Sandwiches

      "Day One:"  ("Mulan" quote anybody?)  My oh my what a day!  I got into DC around 5:00 last night and managed to only get slightly turned around coming off the Metro for the shortest of seconds.  I met some really nice people that were willing to help me in so many ways.  A missionary talked with me all through the security line at the airport (He'll never know that for 30 minutes he was an angel in my life), the people sitting next to me on the flights were nice, encouraging and offered caring advice even though we complete strangers, an adorable older man helped me lift my suitcases up the 12 steps I need to go up to get headed in the right direction, and my roommates are a hoot.  We spent the night laughing and teasing and getting to know each other.
      My fatigue kept me from falling asleep at first but I was finally able to doze off.  I woke up to the sun shining in my window and I realized that the mountains of Utah gave me a little bit a later morning.  It gets bright so early here.  That should help me wake up early for school.....I hope.  We went on our first adventure today to get our fingerprints done so we can teach in the schools.  I found out that I will be at School Without Walls.  It's a more rigorous high school that students have to apply to get in.  The campus is on George Washington University campus.  Cool huh?  Again I met some really cool people.  I met a basketball coach and we talked about what in the world a griffin is (yes, it's still being used as a mascot).  I met the assistant superintendent.  She was the nicest lady and got us all excited for a new adventure of student teaching. When we were done with that meeting, a few of us went to get lunch at Potbelly's.  It was a mighty tasty sandwich and a great source strength, energy and comfort.  Travelling really takes it out of ya.
      Then, we all went back to our apartments, which are very nice I might add, and met our supervisor.  She kind of brought us all back to reality and reminded us that while this cake walk won't be easy, it will be worth it.  She told us a little more about our schools and what to expect.   "Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Golly, what a day!"  Oh and guess what! I'm going to Mt. Vernon on Saturday!!!

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